Green Bali Kratom: Effects, dosage, & More

Green Bali is one of the most popular strains of kratom and is a tried and true quality strain, with good reason.

This strain is a go to for many, like myself, because its effects are consistent and potent.

The reason I like Green Bali so much is the fact that it can give you great energizing properties and it can also give you great pain relief qualities.

The pain relieving effects of this strain are on the stronger end, especially for a green vein variety.

I will go over everything you need to know about Green Bali in this article — including the dose, effects, safety, and side effects.

We will also tell you where you can find quality Green Bali from a reliable source.

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What is Green Bali Kratom?

Green Bali kratom is a great strain. It is widely used in the kratom community because it has been around for so long.

This strain is what some people would refer to as an “OG” strain. Before kratom became much more popular Bali was one of the strains that was first available in the United States.

One would naturally guess that this strain comes from the Island of Bali, but that actually is not the case.

The strain is actually grown in Borneo but they use Bali as an export hub so it took on the name Green Bali.

Because of its higher alkaloid content, this strain is very potent compared to most other green vein varieties.

As with any other kratom strain it is best to start with a low dose and work your way up, especially if you are using kratom for the first time.

Many people, including myself, use this strain as a go to, because it is such a good option for almost any reason someone would want to use kratom.

Green Bali Kratom Effects

  • Energy: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ — Green Bali is fantastic at producing energy without the jitters that one may experience from typical stimulants.
  • Mood: ⭐️⭐️⭐️  — Because of its stimulating and energetic effects, it is a decent strain at giving a mood boost. Although it is not the most ideal strain for this purpose.
  • Anxiety: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ — The sedating effects of Green Bali naturally lends itself to relieving anxiety.
  • Sedation: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️— Green Bali is strong and can offer fairly potent sedating effects, especially at higher doses.
  • Pain Relief: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ — Green Bali has the ability to relieve discomfort and calm the user down but without causing tiredness.

Nootropic Effects

Because it offers stimulating properties it also works well as a nootropic. It is not fully understood how the nootropic effects of kratom works.

When taken in smaller doses, I get a clean boost in cognitive abilities such as increased mental clarity and focus.

Analgesic Effects

Many people like to take red vein varieties to ease discomfort but I, like so many other people that use kratom, have found that green veins can give great pain relieving properties.

One would expect Green Bali to cause sedation and lethargy since it creates these effects.

This is actually not the case, this strain, like most other kratom strains can give you sedation and energy at the same time.

You can be alert and pain-free at the same time. So I guess you actually can have your cake and eat it too.

Offers an Even Balance of Relaxation & Stimulation

Most people seem to agree that Green Bali kratom has a pretty good balance of energizing properties and sedating properties.

This means the strain is very well balanced.

You can be energized without feeling jittery or anxious like you would with some of the white vein varieties, or like you may feel with a prescription stimulant.

It also means you can have the good feeling of being energetic but at the same time be calm and relaxed. At peace with the world.

Where to Buy Green Bali Kratom

Bali strains are some of, if not, the most popular on the kratom market. Additionally, green strains are preferred by many users since their effects are very well-rounded and balanced. You can find Green Bali kratom at good affordable prices from a trusted source Kratom Core.


Dosage guidelines you find are a general rule of thumb. Every individual is different, if you have never taken kratom before,  it is advised to start off low and work your dosage up higher until you find the desired effect you are looking for.

Factors to consider are:

  • Body Mass Index
  • Tolerance to kratom
  • Medications

These are the widely accepted doses of kratom measured in grams; 1 tsp averages about 2.5 grams of loose powder:

  • 2-4 grams — mild pain
  • 3-5 grams — moderate pain
  • 5+ grams — severe or chronic pain
  • 2-5 grams — stimulation
  • 5-8 grams — sedative effects

How to Use Green Bali Kratom

There are several different methods for taking kratom powder. We will explore these methods:


Some people like to buy empty tea bags online like this, and put their kratom powder in them to make kratom tea like you would make any other tea.

You may be like me and are not wanting to sip and savor the flavor of your kratom tea.

If I mix my dose with something I like to use yogurt or Orange Juice. Another popular thing to mix it with is chocolate milk, which is a really good method.

Some people even put it in their coffee but that is a no go for me.

Toss – N – Wash

This method is the best method in my opinion if you can get the hang of it.

Essentially you take a small drink of liquid and hold it in your mouth, tilt your head back and dump the kratom powder on the liquid and swallow everything in one gulp.

Mixed Into Food

Some people like to mix it in with their food, which I personally do not have any experience with but I assume it would be good with certain things, such as baked goods.

Kratom Capsules

Kratom capsules are by far the most popular and easiest way to take your kratom. They are mess free and convenient, especially if you are on the go.

The only drawback to capsules is that they cost more. Check out our article on how to make your own kratom capsules yourself for cheaper.

Side Effects of Green Bali Kratom

Kratom Wobbles

With any product you consume there is going to be a risk of side effects, especially if a large dose has been taken.

The most common side effect of taking too much Green Bali kratom is what is known as the “wobbles”.

The wobbles cause dizziness, double vision, vertigo, and may cause nausea.

The wobbles are uncomfortable but harmless and generally pass in about an hour.

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Final Thoughts: Green Bali Kratom

Green Bali kratom is a staple kratom strain in the kratom community. It has very good, well balanced effects.

This strain will help you with energy and at the same time can produce a strong pain relieving effect.

Even though it has sedating properties it usually does not make you lethargic, unless you consume a large dose.

A smaller dose of Green Bali is going to give you energy.

Users can expect nootropic effects and relaxation, and stimulation.

The biggest upside most people report is that you get a great calming, pain relieving effect but also energized at the same time.

Written By: Kerey Crinklaw